From a small country church in 1923 to a large, thriving, multigenerational church in the Hartsville community. We are celebrating the impact of our church and its ministries throughout the decades.
Join us for our celebration weekend!
October 13th, 14th, and 15th
We are excited to celebrate
Oct. 13th @6pm
Oct. 14th @6pm
Oct. 15th @10:30 am
Submit Your Memories...
We will be celebrating our 100th anniversary in October of 2023. The Anniversary Committee requests that members share their remembrances of church life through the years. Thoughts may include, but not limited to: How you came to be a member, your salvation and baptism experience, Sunday School and mission organization experiences, noteworthy leaders, humorous events, your dream for the future etc.
These remembrances will be compiled in a booklet to become part of our historical archives.