KT Family,
I announced this past Sunday that because of the continuing growth of our church and the ministries that need additional space to function, we are relaunching our Together We Build capital gains program. I am asking all of our KBC family to pray over the next few weeks about what King Jesus would have them to give, above and beyond their regular tithes and offerings, to begin raising the necessary funds to build the first of what I believe will be three major building projects in the next ten years. This first building, I believe, will house our student ministry, preschool, and some of our children’s ministry. It will have some office space for staff, and it will have the necessary kitchen space, along with the technology and sound equip that will be necessary to minister to these precious people and their families.
I believe that the first phase will cost around $3 million. We have about $700,000.00 in the TWB account right now, so that is a very good start, and I’m so thankful that even when we didn’t have a great need many continued to contribute to prepare for the future of our church and facilities. I believe we have seen the Lord work in conjunction with that faithful giving to get us to this point of decision and action.
I believe some of the greatest days of ministry for us are in front of us. I believe this because I believe that time is short and the Holy Spirit is doing a great work to bring people to salvation in Christ Jesus before the end arrives. That excites me, and it causes me to pray for courage and boldness that we will stand as we need to stand and work as we need to work, until that day comes.
Thank you for praying. Thank you for serving. Thank you for caring.
-Pastor Mike
I announced this past Sunday that because of the continuing growth of our church and the ministries that need additional space to function, we are relaunching our Together We Build capital gains program. I am asking all of our KBC family to pray over the next few weeks about what King Jesus would have them to give, above and beyond their regular tithes and offerings, to begin raising the necessary funds to build the first of what I believe will be three major building projects in the next ten years. This first building, I believe, will house our student ministry, preschool, and some of our children’s ministry. It will have some office space for staff, and it will have the necessary kitchen space, along with the technology and sound equip that will be necessary to minister to these precious people and their families.
I believe that the first phase will cost around $3 million. We have about $700,000.00 in the TWB account right now, so that is a very good start, and I’m so thankful that even when we didn’t have a great need many continued to contribute to prepare for the future of our church and facilities. I believe we have seen the Lord work in conjunction with that faithful giving to get us to this point of decision and action.
I believe some of the greatest days of ministry for us are in front of us. I believe this because I believe that time is short and the Holy Spirit is doing a great work to bring people to salvation in Christ Jesus before the end arrives. That excites me, and it causes me to pray for courage and boldness that we will stand as we need to stand and work as we need to work, until that day comes.
Thank you for praying. Thank you for serving. Thank you for caring.
-Pastor Mike