6:00pm - 8:00pm
2609 Kelleytown Rd
Hartsville, SC
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Where are we located?

2609 Kelleytown Road
Hartsville, SC
From downtown - Go on West Carolina Avenue until you reach the fork in the road and yield onto Kelleytown Road. Continue straight through the intersection of HWY 151 and Kelleytown Road. Continue straight and you will pass Shugs Steakhouse and then you will go around the curve and see Kelleytown Baptist Church.
Hartsville, SC
From downtown - Go on West Carolina Avenue until you reach the fork in the road and yield onto Kelleytown Road. Continue straight through the intersection of HWY 151 and Kelleytown Road. Continue straight and you will pass Shugs Steakhouse and then you will go around the curve and see Kelleytown Baptist Church.