Back To School
Missions Project

This year, we are collecting school supplies and personal hygiene items for Bayroad Elementary School.

We are moving into another direction in helping the students of Bay Road Elementary School. You may drop off items in the bucket across from the office.
Below are the items we will be gathering (if you have questions, please call the office)

Girl's underwear: sizes 6-14
Menstrual Pads
Boy's underwear
Zip ties: 8-12 inches
Belts for boys/girls
Socks for boys/girls
Unisex T-shirts (short sleeve/long sleeve)
Baby wipes
Pencil pouches
Marble composition books
Glue sticks
Notebook paper
1 inch binders
Cap erasers
Inexpensive earbuds
Thank you for your participation in our efforts to make a positive difference in the upcoming school year!