5 Day Devotional: Colossians 3: 4 - 17

Day 1: The Most Important Decision

Devotional: We make countless decisions every day, from what to eat for breakfast to how to respond to a challenging situation at work. However, the most important decision we will ever make is the decision about Christ. This decision not only determines our eternity but also shapes our daily lives. When we choose to follow Christ, we are called to die to our old selves and embrace a new life in Him. This transformation is not always easy, but it is essential for living a Christ-centered life.

Bible Verse: Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. - Colossians 3:1

Reflection Question: Have you made the decision to follow Christ wholeheartedly? How does this decision impact your daily life?

Quote: "The most important decision that we will ever make is the decision that we make in this life about Christ." - Pastor Mike 

Prayer: Lord, help me to make the most important decision of my lifeā€”to follow You wholeheartedly. Guide me as I die to my old self and embrace the new life You offer. Amen.
Day 2: Dying to the Old Self

Devotional: When Christ calls us to Himself, He bids us to come and die. This means we must desire the old in us to die when we trust Christ as our Savior. There comes a time when we realize that we cannot follow Christ and continue doing the things we used to do. This realization is a crucial step in our spiritual journey. It requires us to let go of our old habits, desires, and ways of thinking, and to embrace the new life that Christ offers.

Bible Verse: For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. - Colossians 3:3

Reflection Question: What old habits or ways of thinking do you need to let go of in order to fully embrace your new life in Christ?

Quote: "We have to desire the old in us to die when we trust Christ as savior." - Pastor Mike

Prayer: Lord, help me to let go of my old self and embrace the new life You offer. Give me the strength to overcome old habits and ways of thinking that hinder my walk with You. Amen.
Day 3: Seeking Accountability

Devotional: Sometimes, we need help from others to walk with Jesus. We must declare to them our desire to follow Christ and acknowledge that certain things in our lives need to go. This declaration is a step towards accountability, which is essential for our spiritual growth. By seeking accountability, we invite others to support us, pray for us, and hold us accountable as we strive to live a Christ-centered life.

Bible Verse: Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. - Colossians 3:13

Reflection Question: Who can you seek out for accountability in your walk with Christ? How can they support you in your spiritual journey?

Quote: "Sometimes we need some help from others and we have to declare to them, I want this. If I'm gonna walk with Jesus, this has gotta go, and it's not gonna go on its own."
- Pastor Mike

Prayer: Lord, help me to seek accountability in my walk with You. Surround me with people who will support, pray for, and hold me accountable as I strive to live a Christ-centered life. Amen.
Day 4: Living a Christ-Centered Life

Devotional: Our life is with Christ, and He is our life. Anything that is life-giving comes from Him. As we live for Him and honor Him, He gives us life. This means that our daily actions, decisions, and relationships should reflect our commitment to Christ. By setting our minds on things above and living a Christ-centered life, we demonstrate His love and truth to those around us.

Bible Verse: When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. - Colossians 3:4

Reflection Question: How can you demonstrate your commitment to Christ in your daily actions, decisions, and relationships?

Quote: "Our life is with Christ. Our life is with Christ." -Pastor Mike

Prayer: Lord, help me to live a Christ-centered life. Guide my actions, decisions, and relationships so that they reflect my commitment to You. Amen.
Day 5: Embracing God's Life

Devotional: Embracing God's life means recognizing that Christ is all and in all. Our life is in His hands, and He is in control. When we choose to live apart from Christ, we only find death. But when we live for Him, we find true life. This week, focus on demonstrating Christ's love in your relationships and reflect on the decisions you make. Seek accountability and set your mind on things above, knowing that Christ is your life.

Bible Verse: And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. - Colossians 3:14

Reflection Question: How can you demonstrate Christ's love in your relationships this week?

Quote: "Christ is all and Christ is in all, all those who believe." - Pastor Mike

Prayer: Lord, help me to embrace Your life and recognize that You are in control. Guide me as I demonstrate Your love in my relationships and seek to live a Christ-centered life. Amen.

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